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Quantum Computing: from theoretical concept to commercial reality


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dinsdag 22 januari 2019 van 19:00 uur tot 21:30 uur

For decades Quantum Computers, conceived In the early 1980’s, have only been studied as a theoretical concept. But steady progress in making qubits more stable and increasing the number of qubits show that Quantum Computers are more than just that. In 2016, IBM announced its Quantum Computers and made them available to the public.

In this session, Maris van Sprang, will explain what a Quantum Computer is, how it is different from classical computers and for which applications its unimaginably computational power can bring commercial value in the near short term.

After this introduction, he will demonstrate how to access and use IBM’s Quantum Computer over the internet.

Maris van Sprang has studied Solid State Physics at the Vrije Universiteit and obtained his Ph.D. at the Universiteit van Amsterdam. Since joining IBM in 1998, he became an executive architect and since 2016 he is CTO for Benelux IBM Global Business Services. He is also member of the IBM Academy of Technology, an IBM-wide global organisation that focuses on delivering innovation that matters to clients. More recently, he became a certified IBM Quantum Ambassador.

The event will take place in the Innovation Space in building B (the black building opposite the IBM headquarters) on the third floor. Parking is paid - the first 2 hours are free. After this, it is 2 euros p/hour with a maximum allowance of 12 hours p/day.

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